Alternative Water Source Program
The Program consists of the planning, design and construction of a new Lake Michigan water source for the City of Joliet by 2030.
Water will be purchased from the City of Chicago at the Southwest Pumping Station site and pumping facilities and transmission mains will be constructed to bring finished water to the City of Joliet for distribution throughout the existing system. Total Commission costs for implementation of the Alternative Water Source Program are expected to be nearly $1.45 billion by its completion in 2030.
Benefits of implementing this new water source program for the City of Joliet include:
High Quality Water Source from Lake Michigan that will eliminate the need for home water softeners and purchase of bottled water.
Collaboration with the City of Chicago to provide finished water to Joliet and regional partners via an established water supply that has provided water to millions of customers in northeastern Illinois for over 100 years.
Sustainable water quantity to serve Joliet and regional partners now and in the future.
A guaranteed fair and equitable purchased water cost based on an established American Water Works Association cost of service methodology for which Joliet only pays for the cost to operate and maintain facilities used to provide water to Joliet.
Opportunity to have input on City of Chicago water service to Joliet and rate setting via an Advisory Council established by Chicago consisting of representatives of its wholesale customers.
Ability to complete improvements and bring new water source online by 2030.
Project Team
The Alternative Water Source Program is being led by staff of the City of Joliet. The City Council, Public Service Committee and Finance Committee are all actively engaged in this process.
A consultant team led by Stantec has been retained by the City to complete this Program along with a team of subconsultants including Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Cornwell Engineering Group, Engineering Enterprises, Inc., Images, Inc., Strand Associates, and V3 Companies.